The development of cleaning methods for carpets, carpeted floors, upholstery and home textiles is parallel to the used materials and surfaces themselves. Ecology and economy in the various cleaning methods is an important element of craftsmanship. Thus, we use know-how from many years of experience and high-tech which makes us one of Europe’s most modern cleaners.
Your carpets are carefully logged and recorded upon pick up to ensure a smooth check in.
The cleaning starts with the beating to remove the loose dirt and dust mites. The carpet’s fibers are then rejeuvenated. For the best rejeuvenation a complete carpet washing is recommended.
With our modern cleaning technology the washing of your carpets helps preserve the carpet and is very energy efficient. The detergents used are environmentally friendly and the water recycle system with catch basins reduce the consumption of water. The traditional brush by hand is replaced by two units, each with 6 rotating brushes, that gently clean the carpet. Thus, a consistently high quality of the cleaning result is guaranteed.
The carpet is inserted into the wash-street. That runs evenly over the conveyor belt and is firstly sprayed with detergent. Concentration and spraying pressure shall be determined on workmanship and materials of the carpet. The complete penetration of the detergent is a prerequisite for an optimal cleaning result.Once the carpet is thoroughly drenched, it is cleansed with 12 rotating brushes, simultaneously perpendicular to the course of the carpet moving back and forth. the distance of the brush movement, the direction of rotation and the pressure of the brush to clean your carpet is individually adjusted to allow for a complete whole-area cleaning. The carpet is rinsed with plenty of water and then smoothed over a pressure regulated roller. This first part of drainage works gently on the carpet fabric for the coming centrifugation.
The automatically rolled-up carpet is passed into the long term centrifuge at 1.000rot/min. Here it is taken out in a moist condition to prevent its colors from blending and to obtain the lanolin. The carpet is getting finished and and brushed in direction of its web which gives it a soft touch.
In a special low-temperature drying room it is gently dried for 24 hours at 38 ∞. In addition it is suspended from a holding device which allows the required uniform drying. In its dry state the cleaning result is monitored. Spots are removed, a high quality of cleaning achieved, the colors glow and shine.
At the last part of the process the still remaining fluff balls are removed. The final inspection is done by a special light bar. On the packaging machine your carpet will be rolled up and packed in foil. We will deliver the hygienically clean and fresh carpet to your door on time.
Your armchair, sofa, or the whole furniture checks in.
Your furniture is carefully logged and recorded upon pick up to ensure a smooth check in. With free collection and delivery service it goes to the operating establishment in Roth. After the check-in of your furniture the upholstery is thoroughly dusted by an ultrasonic pistol.
Then it will pretreated. The spot detection and picking the right stain remover, taking into account interactions with the respective fiber and coloring, have a direct impact on the result of the purification.
After this pretreatment the basic cleaning follows. The cushions are shampooed. With the professional spray extraction, the dissolved dirt can then be rinsed under pressure. In the low-temperature drying room the furniture dries for 24 hours. After completion of quality control, according to the cover material, such as Suede, we brush and finish. All upholstery fabrics are now dirt-repellent. The thermic fixation takes place at 38 degrees in the drying room. Wooden parts, such as for example arms or feet, will be polished professionally. After final inspection the furniture is packed and transported to you – cost-free.
Further repairs to upholstery fabric, upholstery or the woodwork, we offer after consultation.